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24th Masonic District Gun Raffle

The 24th Masonic District is currently holding it annual gun raffle for Masonic Charities. The proceeds will be distributed to various charities of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, and presented to the Grand Master of Masons in Virginia during his Official Visit to the 24th Masonic District.

Henry H015B .38 sp/ .357 mag

Cimarron PP400 Frontier .357 mag

4 Boxes of Ammo


Drawing June 2, 2023. Need not be present to win. Gertificates provided by Black Dog Sporting Goods. Make checks payable to Mentow Lodge #180

Winner must be over 18 years of age and pass a background check.

Donations $10.00 per ticket. Only 500 tickets to be sold.

Please support this endeavor by purchasing a ticket. Contact us on our Contact page.

May 29

Fundraiser Breakfast

June 23

Blood Drive