June 2024

It’s hard to believe it's already May; time is flying by. At our April stated meeting, we approved the bylaw changes to increase degree fees. Additionally, Andrew Webster was elected to receive the degrees in Masonry. I am proud to announce that Liberty Lodge received the Morlock Award for our donation to MAHOVA.

Sadly, we note the passing of Worshipful Walter Gross, who served as Master of our lodge in 1977. His son, Brother Ronnie Gross informed us that Walter left us a check in his trust. There was discussion about building a sign as a memorial to him. Brother Ronnie Gross will assist with the legal process regarding town codes.

Furthermore, I spoke with Brother Ronnie about hosting an outdoor lodge in August at Gross’s Orchard. More details will be provided soon.

Memorial Day weekend was a big time at Liberty Lodge. We are proud and thankful to host our 2nd Car Show. We had ap- proximately two dozen Classic, Antique, and Hot Rod automobiles on display. Wor. Bill Mitchell declared the winner was John Briscoe and his beautiful Hudson Hornet. Runner Up went to Dwayne Ruff who brought the fastest automobile, his Red Chevy Vega dragster.

Our traditional Memorial Day Breakfast was a huge success this year. We had so many guests that we had to set up additional tables and chairs to accommodate the crowd. We are truly thankful to the members of our Masonic family, the Eastern Star, members of the Lodges of the 24th District, Big Island Prince Hall Masons, and especially residents of the Bedford community who take time to support our Lodge by having breakfast with us. We were highly honored, this year, that Right Worshipful Gary Huffman, Deputy Grand Master, took time to travel from Roanoke to have breakfast with the brethren. And a visit by our esteemed Past Master, RW James Bowyer, Sr.

In closing, my sincere thanks to my wife, Kerri, and daughter, Layla for helping me as Master. A big thank you to the brethren who made this weekend a success. Remember, if you need a ride to attend a meeting or wish to join in the dinner fellowship, please contact me, and I will arrange transportation for you. God bless you and this great country.


Dwayne Ruff, Master


From the East


Apr 2024