Installation of Officers- 2023

It has been many years since the last Open Installation of Officers in Liberty Lodge. This is not done much in the 24th District, but the Open Installation gives the Lodge and its members an excellent opportunity to showcase the fraternity, to family and friends, not just Masons, especially during the festive Christmas Season. This occasion allowed for our new Master’s family to witness this important event in Brother Knight’s Masonic career. Hopefully it becomes a tradition that receives greater planning and continues.

The 24th Masonic District has completed all the installation of officers for 2023. We have three new Masters and two retreads, but congratulations to each.

 Liberty Lodge No.95—Isaiah “Izzy” Knight  

Chamblissburg Lodge No.179—Keith Carver

Mentow Lodge No. 180—Richard Sperrazza

Bedford Lodge No.244—Bert Holm

 Forest Lodge No.245—Drew Howard


Official Visit of District Deputy Grand Master James R. Bowyer Jr. of the 24th Masonic District of Virginia