Official Visit of District Deputy Grand Master James R. Bowyer Jr. of the 24th Masonic District of Virginia

Written by Rough Ashlar with assistance of ChatGPT

District Deputy Grand Master James R. Bowyer Jr. of the 24th Masonic District of Virginia recently made his official yearly visit to Liberty Lodge No. 95 in Bedford, Virginia. This visit was eagerly anticipated by the Brethren of Liberty Lodge No. 95, as well as the nearby Bedford Lodge No. 244 at Moneta, who made a Fraternal Visit to Liberty Lodge No. 95 during the meeting.

One of the highlights of the meeting was the passing of custody and all due honors involved of the Traveling Gavel from Liberty Lodge to Bedford Lodge . This tradition of the Traveling Gavel is a way for Lodges to visit each other and foster fraternal relations between them. The Brethren of Bedford Lodge were honored to receive the Traveling Gavel and pledged to take good care of it until it is passed on to another Lodge.

Before the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed an incredible dinner prepared by Right Worshipful Brother Richard "Spazz" Sperrazza. The dinner was a great opportunity for the Brethren to catch up with each other and share fellowship before the official visit began.

During the meeting, District Deputy Grand Master James R. Bowyer Jr. spoke to the Brethren about his meetings with Grand Lodge, the importance of upholding the values and principles of Freemasonry in our daily lives, emphasized the need for us to be good examples in our communities and to live by the moral teachings of the Craft and passed on the Grand Masters expectations to hold a yearly 1 Day Conferal Degree within the district and that each Lodge should strive to increase charitable activities.

Overall, the visit by District Deputy Grand Master James R. Bowyer Jr. was a great success. The Brethren of Liberty Lodge No. 95 Brethren from around the 24th District were able to come together and strengthen their fraternal bonds, and everyone had a wonderful time. The Traveling Gavel continues to make its rounds, and the Brethren eagerly await the next opportunity to visit Bedford No 244 at Moneta and retrieve this symbol of fraternal goodwill.


Installation of Officers- 2023